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Motor, Luftfilter, Auspuff, Getriebe, ...

Alt 05.12.2014, 09:39   #1
Beiträge: n/a
Fehlercode 41 lntake Verteilerluftsteuermagnet 1

Hey! Wollen Sie etwas Hilfe, aber dann das Auto (Xedos6) ist ungewöhnlich in Schweden kann in den Foren aufgehängt werden können. Aufruf Workshops scheint aussichtslos: - /

Mazda Xedos 6 1995
Motor KF 2.0 V6

Fehlercode 41 lntake Verteilerluftsteuermagnet 1

Wie ich verstanden habe, sind sie VRIS System (vacum) und VRIS einem Magnet ausfällt.
Stirbt der Motor fühlt sich ein wenig Halbmatt bei niedriger Geschwindigkeit und offenbar kann er diese pack sein.

Sitzen auch ein Automatikgetriebe im Auto bei niedrigen Drehzahlen nicht getrennt in den Zahnkonterrevolutionen ohne pendeln leicht, die, wie es rutscht aber fragte sich, ob diese Oxo haben aber VRIS zu tun fühlt.

Ein Honda Accord Coupe 2.2ies 150 PS 1995 Maschine hatte vor und bis auch direkt aus niedrigen Drehzahlen ausgepeitscht. Das Gefühl, dass es klingt (Umdrehungen), sondern dass es sich vorwärts bewegt dramatisch, und es wird offenbar mit ihren 150 PS zu tun =)

Wäre toll gewesen, wenn jemand auf diese Eingangs !!

Kanone Foren !!
Grüße Anders
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Alt 05.12.2014, 19:49   #2
Beiträge: n/a
Tut mir Leid, aber bei bestem Willen und größter Fantasie verstehe ich nicht, was du versuchst hier zu erklären.

Du hast irgendein Problem mit VRIS ?
Dein Motor geht aus und nach dem Neustart beschleunigt es schlecht?
Was ist dein Problem mit dem Automatikgetriebe und was hat das mit VRIS zu tun?
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Alt 05.12.2014, 20:01   #3
Registriert seit: 17.03.2009
Beiträge: 1.319

Xedos 9 KL (2.5) '96
Hejhej Anders!

Please don't use Google translation - it's crap.
English is fine. Most people will understand you very well!
wenn der xedos ruckelt: http://www.xedos-community.de/showth...842#post121842
neo303 ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 07.12.2014, 20:14   #4
Mazda RX-7 SA
Benutzerbild von Mazda RX-7 SA
Registriert seit: 01.08.2014
Ort: Wörthersee
Beiträge: 2.413

X9 2,5i V6 MTX '00; X6 2,0i V6 MTX '98 & X9 FL '02
Mazda 6 MPS 2006 & Mazda RX-7 SA 1981
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Hejhej Anders!

Please don't use Google translation - it's crap.
English is fine. Most people will understand you very well!
Good idea!


In a earlier Post you wrote something about "loss of horepowers".
Now you are writing about VRIS. Do you know what this system is doing? There are two butterfly valves which changes the intake length for different engine rpm. Result is, that the engine has more torque and horsepower.

If one of those valves is not working well in your case, you will see less power of your car.

I would recommend you to do the following:

A) When engine stands still. Try to open the valves by hand. To eliminate the possibility the they stick mechanically.

B) When engine is warmed up, start it and open the hood. After that open the throttle and look at the two VRIS valves if they are working or not.
1st should open between 3250 and 6250 rpm, the second between 4250 and 6250 rpm.

If they are working, you have a different problem...

Best regards from Austria
Mazda RX-7 SA ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 08.12.2014, 18:40   #5
Beiträge: n/a
Hello again!

ok English it vill be from here.

Thanks for the answer.
I know now how the VRIS works and i will test the solenoid Vris 1. Do you know the part number? K5T49099 ??

My Xedos 6 comes with Automatic gearbox.
The car feels very tired and not so fresh like i seen on Youtube.

I would like to make it as good as possible = )
So i f the VRIS works later what can I more check for problems with the slow accelerations?

Maby clean som part? Mass air flow?

Regards! = )
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Alt 08.12.2014, 18:56   #6
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what can I more check for problems with the slow accelerations?
The most problem is your Gearbox, but not a real Problem. "Its a feature, not a bug"
Its known that buying a Xedos with Automatic-Gearbox is a dangerous adventure with zero funfactor.

The Acc 0-100 with a good working 2,0 V6 Engine, 195-60-15 pneus and nearly empty fueltank is ~7,5-8 Second
With an Automatic you can make minimum +2 Seconds.

So try it and see.

Here a vid:
The Engine is worked 80.000km, nearly new

Geändert von Belis (08.12.2014 um 19:10 Uhr)
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Alt 09.12.2014, 18:27   #7
Beiträge: n/a

mm i suspected that that this was the case.

Possible to Tweak the automatic gearbox?
I reed that its learning by the way you drive from start. Mabe you can reset this "learning" and start over with more aggressive driving?

My problem know is when I'm driving slow with little rpm that the rpm meter goes up and then down och sometimes to high rpm for the speed. The gas response is pendling up and down.. Irritating.. :-/

I hope that the new gearbox oil make solvs this.
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Alt 09.12.2014, 20:31   #8
Beiträge: n/a

Hi again!

Now I know that the VRIS is ok and opens! So i will reset the code tomorrow.

Thanx. Please answer about the gearbox and if there Is something els i can check and maby clean för better performance and acceleration.

I notised on idle rpm 800 that each third sekund its like a vibration from the engine. 1 2 3 brrr 1 2 3 brrr something like that.. Anyone?? I feel it in the chassi.

Regards! = )
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Alt 09.12.2014, 22:52   #9
Beiträge: n/a
It is your first (old) car with automatic gear?
Not easy to differentiate what is realy normal but you think is not normal.
Specially from distance.

Please think about selling the car before you put many money in a car what you dont realy want (slow and lazy automatic gear) . Nothing can make the crap xedos automatic good. In the future you get more and more problems with the gear, you have to change oil and filter every 30.000km, to have not too much problems( by other automatic gear is all 100.000 recomendet by empiric experience)

With the manual xedos gear you never get any problems.

Sell it and buy the car what you want and not the first what you see.
Its the best way to be satisfied.

If not and you want repair... Please specify it with make good videos with good Cam and good Sound.

Geändert von Belis (09.12.2014 um 22:58 Uhr)
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Alt 11.12.2014, 11:52   #10
Beiträge: n/a
More problem....

ok i will fix this car first and then maby go down to you and buy a manual gear = )

So more problems... :-/
The Engine goes well when I'm driving BUT when on idle around 800rpm the engine sounds like misfire or sometihing. Its random. Its very quick like (11111x11111111xx111x111) if you understand. Yesterday when I'm reset the computer with battery off door open and break pedal down like 10 times it did well. But after a drive around 30 minutes and shut the engine off for 1 hour and then started up again and drive it worm the idle (800rpm) was weird.

So What to check? :-/


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