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Motor, Luftfilter, Auspuff, Getriebe, ...

Alt 21.06.2015, 17:27   #11
Registriert seit: 17.03.2009
Beiträge: 1.319

Xedos 9 KL (2.5) '96
after you checked the pressure, you should also check the flow rate. it's rather simple. you need to find the return flow hose after the injection nozzles and AFTER the pressure regulator (it's a small thing in the size of a thumb with 2 connections for fuel and 1 for air pressure adjustment). detach the hose at the side of the regulator where the fuel goes back to the tank and attach another hose instead which you will run to a container (e.g. a 1.5l PET-bottle). then you need to bridge 2 pins in the "diagnose" box to make the fuel pump running continuously as soon as you switch on the ignition but WITHOUT starting the engine - follow the service manual to find the right pins. as soon as you switch on the egnition, start your chronograph. switch ignition off after 30sec. check the amount of fuel in the container. it should be 0.5 to 1.0l (therefore, the container must be big enough!!).
these instructions are "on your own risk". don't forget: fuel is easily ignitable - playing around with this stuff is dangerous and you should really know what you are doing!

best regards & good luck
wenn der xedos ruckelt: http://www.xedos-community.de/showth...842#post121842
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